Are you interested in your programme...or are you committed? So asks the one hundred day challenge.
It is the difference between doing this, whatever your current diet and/or fitness programme is, until it is hard or inconvenient. Or doing it no matter what.
I used to be that way but now I'm different.
Re-worked for Leonie as...
I used to sabotage my weight loss but now I know I can be vigilant all the time and that's more fun, I like the result.
I do. I really do.
Which today translated as counting the calories in those peanuts and that biscuit.
Workout today? Power Half Hour, a pink FIRM with Emily. At 6.30 am on a Sunday morning, before work,that's do-able. Cardio, weights, a cardio burst and plank related ab work.
Hi, is this the support gp.?